UI. LayoutStyle

LayoutStyle Is a layout style class.


new LayoutStyle()


(static) EMPTY :LayoutStyle

anchorX :Number

X anchor point, value 0-1.
Default Value:
  • NaN

anchorY :Number

Y anchor point, value 0-1.
Default Value:
  • NaN

bottom :Number

Represents the distance from the base (in pixels).
Default Value:
  • NaN

centerX :Number

Represents the distance from the horizontal axis to the center axis (in pixels).
Default Value:
  • NaN

centerY :Number

Represents the distance from the vertical central axis (in pixels).
Default Value:
  • NaN

enable :Boolean

A Boolean value indicating whether it is valid or not.

left :Number

Represents the distance from the left (in pixels).
Default Value:
  • NaN
Represents the distance from the right (in pixels).
Default Value:
  • NaN

top :Number

Represents the distance from the top edge (in pixels).
Default Value:
  • NaN