UI. Tree

Tree Control allows users to view hierarchical data that is arranged as extensible trees.


new Tree()

Create a new one Tree Class instance.

stay Tree The properties width and height are set to 200 in the constructor.

Import laya.ui.Tree; 
Import laya.utils.Browser; 
Import laya.utils.Handler; 
Public class Tree_Example 
Public, function, Tree_Example () 
Laya.init (640, 800); 
	*Laya.stage.bgColor = "#efefef";// Sets the background color of the canvas. 
Laya.loader.load ( ["resource/ui/vscroll.png", "resource/ui/vscroll$bar.png", "resource/ui/vscroll$down.png", "resource/ui/vscroll$up.png", "resource/ui/clip_selectBox.png", "resource/ui/clip_tree_folder.png", "resource/ui/clip_tree_arrow.png"] Handler.create (this, onLoadComplete); 
Private, function, onLoadComplete (): void 
	*var xmlString:String;// Creates a XML string that stores tree structure data. 
XmlString = "&lt root> < item; label='box1'> < ABC label='child1'/> &lt ABC; label='child2'/> < ABC label='child3'/> &lt ABC; label='child4'/> < ABC label='child5'/> < /item> < item label='box2'> &lt ABC; label='child1'/> < ABC label='child2'/> &lt ABC; label='child3'/> < ABC label='child4'/> < /item> < /root>"; 
	*var domParser:* = new Browser.window.DOMParser();// Create a DOMParser instance, domParser. 
	*var xml:* = domParser.parseFromString(xmlString, "text/xml");// Parsing XML characters. 
	*var tree:Tree = new Tree();// Create a  Tree  Class instance object  Tree  . 
	*tree.scrollBarSkin = "resource/ui/vscroll.png";// Set up  Tree  Skin. 
	*tree.itemRender = Item;// Set up  Tree  Item renderer. 
	*tree.xml = xml;// Set up  Tree  Tree structure data. 
	*tree.x = 100;// Set up  Tree  The value of the object's property, x, for control  Tree  Display position of object. 
	*tree.y = 100;// Set up  Tree  The value of the object's property, y, for control  Tree  Display position of object. 
	*tree.width = 200;// Set up  Tree  Width. 
	*tree.height = 100;// Set up  Tree  Height. 
	*Laya.stage.addChild(tree);// take  Tree  Add to display list. 
Import laya.ui.Box; 
Import laya.ui.Clip; 
Import laya.ui.Label; 
Class Item extends Box 
Public, function, Item () 
This.name = "render""; 
This.right = 0; 
This.left = 0; 
VaR, selectBox:Clip = new, Clip ("resource/ui/clip_selectBox.png", 1, 2); 
SelectBox.name = "selectBox""; 
SelectBox.height = 24; 
SelectBox.x = 13; 
SelectBox.y = 0; 
SelectBox.left = 12; 
AddChild (selectBox); 
VaR, folder:Clip = new, Clip ("resource/ui/clip_tree_folder.png", 1, 3); 
Folder.name = "folder""; 
Folder.x = 14; 
Folder.y = 4; 
AddChild (folder); 
Var label:Label = new Label ("treeItem"); 
Label.name = "label""; 
Label.color = "#ffff00""; 
Label.width = 150; 
Label.height = 22; 
Label.x = 33; 
Label.y = 1; 
Label.left = 33; 
Label.right = 0; 
AddChild (label); 
VaR, arrow:Clip = new, Clip ("resource/ui/clip_tree_arrow.png", 1, 2); 
Arrow.name = "arrow""; 
Arrow.x = 0; 
Arrow.y = 5; 
AddChild (arrow); 
Laya.init(640, 800);// Set the game canvas wide and render mode 
Laya.stage.bgColor = "#efefef";// Sets the background color of the canvas 
Var res = ["resource/ui/vscroll.png", "resource/ui/vscroll$bar.png", "resource/ui/vscroll$down.png", "resource/ui/vscroll$up.png", "resource/ui/clip_selectBox.png", "resource/ui/clip_tree_folder.png", "resource/ui/clip_tree_arrow.png"] ; 
Laya.loader.load (RES, new, laya.utils.Handler (this, onLoadComplete)); 
Function, onLoadComplete () { 
    var xmlString;// Creates a XML string that stores tree structure data. 
XmlString = "&lt root> < item; label='box1'> < ABC label='child1'/> &lt ABC; label='child2'/> < ABC label='child3'/> &lt ABC; label='child4'/> < ABC label='child5'/> < /item> < item label='box2'> &lt ABC; label='child1'/> < ABC label='child2'/> &lt ABC; label='child3'/> < ABC label='child4'/> < /item> < /root>"; 
    var domParser = new laya.utils.Browser.window.DOMParser();// Create a DOMParser instance, domParser. 
    var xml = domParser.parseFromString(xmlString, "text/xml");// Parsing XML characters. 
    var tree = new laya.ui.Tree();// Create a  Tree  Class instance object  Tree  . 
    tree.scrollBarSkin = "resource/ui/vscroll.png";// Set up  Tree  Skin. 
    tree.itemRender = mypackage.treeExample.Item;// Set up  Tree  Item renderer. 
    tree.xml = xml;// Set up  Tree  Tree structure data. 
    tree.x = 100;// Set up  Tree  The value of the object's property, x, for control  Tree  Display position of object. 
    tree.y = 100;// Set up  Tree  The value of the object's property, y, for control  Tree  Display position of object. 
    tree.width = 200;// Set up  Tree  Width. 
    tree.height = 100;// Set up  Tree  Height. 
    Laya.stage.addChild(tree);// take  Tree  Add to display list. 
(function (_super) { 
Function, Item () { 
        Item.__super.call(this);// Initializing the parent class. 
This.right = 0; 
This.left = 0; 
VaR, selectBox = new, laya.ui.Clip ("resource/ui/clip_selectBox.png", 1, 2); 
        selectBox.name = "selectBox";// Set the background of the item with the tree structure when the name of selectBox is selectBox. 2 frames: hover background, selected background. 
SelectBox.height = 24; 
SelectBox.x = 13; 
SelectBox.y = 0; 
SelectBox.left = 12; 
        this.addChild(selectBox);// You need to use this. to access the properties or methods of the parent class. 
VaR, folder = new, laya.ui.Clip ("resource/ui/clip_tree_folder.png", 1, 3); 
        folder.name = "folder";// When the folder of name is set to "folder", the folder open status diagram will be recognized as the tree structure. 2 frames: folded state, open state. 
Folder.x = 14; 
Folder.y = 4; 
This.addChild (folder); 
Var label = new laya.ui.Label ("treeItem"); 
        label.name = "label";// When label is set to name, label, this value is used for tree structured data assignments. 
Label.color = "#ffff00""; 
Label.width = 150; 
Label.height = 22; 
Label.x = 33; 
Label.y = 1; 
Label.left = 33; 
Label.right = 0; 
This.addChild (label); 
VaR, arrow = new, laya.ui.Clip ("resource/ui/clip_tree_arrow.png", 1, 2); 
        arrow.name = "arrow";// When the arrow of name is set to "arrow", the folder open status diagram will be recognized as the tree structure. 2 frames: folded state, open state. 
Arrow.x = 0; 
Arrow.y = 5; 
This.addChild (arrow); 
    Laya.class(Item,"mypackage.treeExample.Item",_super);// Registration class Item. 
(}) (laya.ui.Box); 
Import  Tree  = laya.ui.Tree; 
Import Browser = laya.utils.Browser; 
Import Handler = laya.utils.Handler; 
Class Tree_Example { 
Constructor () { 
Laya.init (640, 800); 
        Laya.stage.bgColor = "#efefef";// Sets the background color of the canvas. 
Laya.loader.load ( ["resource/ui/vscroll.png", "resource/ui/vscroll$bar.png", "resource/ui/vscroll$down.png", "resource/ui/vscroll$up.png", "resource/ui/vscroll$up.png", "resource/ui/clip_selectBox.png", "resource/ui/clip_tree_folder * . * png", "resource/ui/clip_tree_arrow.png"] Handler.create (this, this.onLoadComplete); 
Private onLoadComplete (): void { 
        var xmlString: String;// Creates a XML string that stores tree structure data. 
XmlString = "&lt root> < item; label='box1'> < ABC label='child1'/> &lt ABC; label='child2'/> < ABC label='child3'/> < ABC label='child4'/> &lt ABC; label='child5'/> < /item> < item label='box2'> < ABC * label='child1'/> < ABC label='child2'/> &lt ABC; label='child3'/> &lt ABC; label='child4'/> < /item> < /root>"; 
        var domParser: any = new Browser.window.DOMParser();// Create a DOMParser instance, domParser. 
        var xml: any = domParser.parseFromString(xmlString, "text/xml");// Parsing XML characters. 
        var tree: Tree = new Tree();// Create a  Tree  Class instance object  Tree  . 
        tree.scrollBarSkin = "resource/ui/vscroll.png";// Set up  Tree  Skin. 
        tree.itemRender = Item;// Set up  Tree  Item renderer. 
        tree.xml = xml;// Set up  Tree  Tree structure data. 
        tree.x = 100;// Set up  Tree  The value of the object's property, x, for control  Tree  Display position of object. 
        tree.y = 100;// Set up  Tree  The value of the object's property, y, for control  Tree  Display position of object. 
        tree.width = 200;// Set up  Tree  Width. 
        tree.height = 100;// Set up  Tree  Height. 
        Laya.stage.addChild(tree);// take  Tree  Add to display list. 
Import Box = laya.ui.Box; 
Import Clip = laya.ui.Clip; 
Import Label = laya.ui.Label; 
Class, Item, extends, Box { 
Constructor () { 
Super (); 
This.name = "render""; 
This.right = 0; 
This.left = 0; 
VaR, selectBox:, Clip = new, Clip ("resource/ui/clip_selectBox.png", 1, 2); 
SelectBox.name = "selectBox""; 
SelectBox.height = 24; 
SelectBox.x = 13; 
SelectBox.y = 0; 
SelectBox.left = 12; 
This.addChild (selectBox); 
VaR, folder:, Clip = new, Clip ("resource/ui/clip_tree_folder.png", 1, 3); 
Folder.name = "folder""; 
Folder.x = 14; 
Folder.y = 4; 
This.addChild (folder); 
VaR, label:, Label = new, Label ("treeItem"); 
Label.name = "label""; 
Label.color = "#ffff00""; 
Label.width = 150; 
Label.height = 22; 
Label.x = 33; 
Label.y = 1; 
Label.left = 33; 
Label.right = 0; 
This.addChild (label); 
VaR, arrow:, Clip = new, Clip ("resource/ui/clip_tree_arrow.png", 1, 2); 
Arrow.name = "arrow""; 
Arrow.x = 0; 
Arrow.y = 5; 
This.addChild (arrow); 



alpha :Number

The transparency value is 0-1 and the default value is 1, which means opacity. Changing the alpha value affects drawcall.
Inherited From:

anchorX :Number

X axis anchor. The value is 0-1
Inherited From:

anchorY :Number

Y axis anchor. The value is 0-1
Inherited From:

array :Array

The list data source contains only the current visual node data.

autoSize :Boolean

Specifies whether to compute wide and high data automatically. The default value is false.

Sprite is wide and high, defaults to 0, and does not change with the rendering content. If you want to get the width of the drawing content, you can set the property as true or get it by the getBounds method. Set to true, has some impact on performance.

Inherited From:

blendMode :String

Specifies the blending mode to use. Currently only support "lighter"".
Inherited From:

bottom :Number

The vertical distance (in pixels) from the bottom edge of the component to the base edge of its content area.

Inherited From:

cacheAs :String

Specifies whether the display object is cached as a static image. When cacheAs is changed, the child object is automatically cached, and the reCache method is invoked manually to update the cache.

It is proposed to cache complex content that is not constantly changing into a static image, which can greatly improve rendering performance. CacheAs has "None", "normal" and "bitmap". The three values are optional.

  • The default is "None" and does not do any caching.
  • When the value is "normal", the canvas cache is carried out in canvas mode, and the command cache is in webgl mode.
  • When bitmap is used, canvas mode is still the canvas cache, and the renderTarget buffer is used in webgl mode.
  • Webgl renderTarget cache model disadvantages: additional renderTarget objects will be created to increase memory overhead, cache area has a maximum 2048 restrictions, continuous redraw will increase CPU overhead. Advantages: drastically reduce drawcall, rendering the highest performance. *

    Inherited From:

    cacheAsBitmap :Boolean

    Specifies whether the display object is cached as a static image. Functions with cacheAs's normal mode. It is recommended to use cacheAs instead.
    Inherited From:

    centerX :Number

    In the parent container, the horizontal axis of the object is at a distance from the parent's container's horizontal central line (in pixels).

    Inherited From:

    centerY :Number

    In the parent container, the vertical axis of the object is at a distance from the vertical centerline of the parent container (in pixels).

    Inherited From:

    comXml :Object

    XML data.
    Inherited From:

    customRenderEnable :Boolean

    Inherited From:

    dataSource :Object


    destroyed :Boolean

    [只读] Has it been destroyed?. Object cannot be used after destruction.
    Inherited From:

    disabled :Boolean

    Disable page, set to true, grayed out, and disabled mouse.
    Inherited From:

    displayedInStage :Boolean

    Indicates whether it is displayed in the display list.
    Inherited From:

    displayHeight :Number

    The display height of the object (in pixels).

    Inherited From:

    displayWidth :Number

    The display width of the object (in pixels).

    Inherited From:

    filters :Array

    Filter set. You can set multiple filter combinations.
    Inherited From:

    globalScaleX :Number

    Gets the global X axis scaling relative to stage (which adds the scaling value of the father node).
    Inherited From:

    globalScaleY :Number

    Gets the global Y axis scaling relative to stage (which adds the scaling value of the father node).
    Inherited From:

    graphics :Graphics

    Drawing object. Encapsulates the interface to draw bitmaps and vector diagrams, and all Sprite drawing operations are implemented through Graphics.
    Inherited From:

    gray :Boolean

    Is it grayed out?.
    Inherited From:

    height :Number


    hitArea :Object

    You can set a Rectangle area as the click area, or set one HitArea As a click area, you can set clickable and clickable areas within HitArea.

    If hitArea is not set, collisions are made according to the region formed by the width and height.

    Inherited From:

    hitTestPrior :Boolean

    Specifies whether mouse event detection preferentially detects itself or preferentially detects its child object. The mouse event detection occurs at the capture phase of the mouse event. At this stage, the engine will begin to recursively check stage and its child objects from stage until the target object is hit or missed.

    If false, the child object is preferentially detected, and when a child object is hit, interrupt detection is done to hit the target. If you do not hit any sub object, then the object detection; if true, then the priority detection object, if the object is not directly hit, interrupt detection, said did not hit the target; if the object is hit, further iterative detection of its children, in order to confirm the final target.

    Reasonable use of this property, can reduce the mouse event detection nodes, improve performance. Can be set to true: the developer does not care about the mouse event detection result of the child node of the node, which is the mouse event detection point of the node as its child node.

    The View component of the Stage object and UI defaults to true.

    Inherited From:
    Default Value:
    • false优先检测此对象的子对象,当递归检测完所有子对象后,仍然没有找到目标对象,最后再检测此对象。

    itemRender :Object

    This object contains List Instance cell renderer.


    1. Cell class object.
    2. JSON description of UI.
    3. *

    keepStatus :Boolean

    When the data source changes, do you want to keep it open before default true?.


  • True: keep open before.
  • False: do not keep open before.
  • *

    layoutEnabled :Boolean

    Do you want to enable relative layout?
    Inherited From:

    left :Number

    The horizontal distance (in pixels) from the left of the component to the left of its content area.

    Inherited From:

    list :List

    This object contains List Instance object.

    mask :Sprite

    Mask, you can set an object (support bitmap and vector diagram), according to the object shape for mask display.

    [note] the mask object coordinate system is relative to the mask object itself, and is different from the Flash mechanism

    Inherited From:

    measureHeight :Number

    Displays the actual display area height (in pixels) of the object.

    Inherited From:

    measureWidth :Number

    Display the width of the actual display area of the object (in pixels).

    Inherited From:

    mouseEnabled :Boolean

    Do you accept mouse events?. The default is false. If you listen to the mouse event, you will automatically set the property of the object and the parent node. The value of mouseEnable is true (if the parent node is manually set to false, it will not change). *
    Inherited From:

    mouseHandler :Handler

    Cell mouse event handler.

    Default return parameter (e:Event, index:int).

    mouseThrough :Boolean

    Is the mouse event collision detected with this object?. Collision detection occurs at the capture phase of the mouse event. At this stage, the engine will start testing stage and its child objects recursively from stage until it finds the hit target object or misses any object.

    The penetration indicates that the location of the mouse event is hit when it is in the drawing area of the object, and is independent of the object's width, height, and the hitArea attribute of the Rectangle object. If the sprite.hitArea value is a HitArea object, the mouse event response area of the object is declared explicitly, and the width, height, and mouseThrough attributes of the object are ignored.

    The properties that affect the target mouse event response area are: width, height, hitArea, and the priority sequence is: hitArea (type:HitArea), >hitArea (type:Rectangle), >width/height.

    Inherited From:
    Default Value:
    • false不可穿透,此对象的鼠标响应区域由width、height、hitArea属性决定。

    mouseX :Number

    Returns the X axis coordinate information of the mouse in this object coordinate system.
    Inherited From:

    mouseY :Number

    Returns the Y axis coordinate information of the mouse in this object coordinate system.
    Inherited From:

    name :String

    Node name.
    Inherited From:
    Default Value:
    • ""

    numChildren :int

    Number of child objects.
    Inherited From:

    optimizeScrollRect :Boolean

    Specifies whether or not the display object that uses scrollRect is optimized. The default is false (not optimized).

    When ture: this object uses the scrollRect set display contents without rendering display outside the region, to improve performance (if the sub object rotation or zoom center offset, display screening are not accurate).

    Inherited From:

    parent :Node

    Parent node.
    Inherited From:

    pivotX :Number

    The position of the center of the axis of the X axis, in pixels, and defaults to 0. The center of the axis affects the position of the object, the center of the scale, the center of rotation.
    Inherited From:

    pivotY :Number

    The position of the center of the axis of the Y axis, in pixels, and defaults to 0. The center of the axis affects the position of the object, the center of the scale, the center of rotation.
    Inherited From:

    renderHandler :Handler

    Tree Instance rendering processor.

    The horizontal distance (in pixels) from the right side of the component to the right of its content area.

    Inherited From:

    rotation :Number

    The rotation angle defaults to 0. In angle.
    Inherited From:

    scaleX :Number

    Inherited From:

    scaleY :Number

    Inherited From:

    scrollBar :ScrollBar

    scroll bar

    scrollBarSkin :String

    Scrollbar skin.

    scrollRect :Rectangle

    Display a rectangular rolling range object, has the effect of cutting (if you only want to limit the object rendering area, please use viewport), set optimizeScrollRect=true, can optimize the trimmed area content rendering.

    The difference between srollRect and viewport: 1.srollRect comes with clipping effects, viewport only affects whether child objects render, and does not have clipping effects (higher performance).

    Inherited From:

    selectedIndex :int

    Represents the index of the current selection.

    selectedItem :Object

    The data source of the currently selected item object.

    selectedPath :String

    That represents the selected tree node entry path Attribute value.

    skewX :Number

    The horizontal tilt angle defaults to 0. In angle.
    Inherited From:

    skewY :Number

    Vertical tilt angle, defaults to 0. In angle.
    Inherited From:

    source :Array

    Data source, all node data.

    spaceBottom :Number

    The distance between each item (in pixels).

    spaceLeft :Number

    Indent distance to the left (in pixels).

    stage :Stage

    On the stage stage References.
    Inherited From:

    staticCache :Boolean

    When cacheAs is not null, this value is valid. When staticCache=true is changed, the child object does not automatically update the cache, and can only be manually refreshed by calling the reCache method.
    Inherited From:

    tag :Object

    Object tag.

    Inherited From:

    texture :Texture

    Set a Texture instance and display this image (if it has been previously drawn, it will be removed). Equivalent to graphics.clear (); graphics.drawImage ()
    Inherited From:

    timer :Timer

    The time controller defaults to global Laya.timer. You can also separate instances of a Timer to control time scaling
    Inherited From:

    toolTip :Object

    Hover hint.

    Can be assigned to text String Or function Handler For custom style mouse prompts and parameter portability, etc..

    Inherited From:
    Private, VaR, _testTips:TestTipsUI = new, TestTipsUI (); 
    Private, function, testTips (): void { 
    		  // Simple mouse prompt 
    Btn2.toolTip = "here is the mouse prompt < b> bold < /b> < br> line feed.""; 
    		  // Custom mouse prompt 
    Btn1.toolTip = showTips1; 
    		  // Custom mouse prompt with parameters 
    Clip.toolTip = new, Handler (this, showTips2), ["clip"] ); 
    Private, function, showTips1 (): void { 
    _testTips.label.text = "here is the button." [" + btn1.label + "] "; 
    Tip.addChild (_testTips); 
    Private function showTips2 (name:String): void { 
    _testTips.label.text = "here is + name"; 
    Tip.addChild (_testTips); 

    top :Number

    The vertical distance (in pixels) from the top edge of the component to its top edge of the content area.

    Inherited From:

    transform :Matrix

    Object matrix information. By setting the matrix, you can achieve node rotation, zoom, displacement effect.

    Matrix for more information, please refer to Matrix

    Inherited From:

    viewport :Rectangle

    Outside the viewport viewport size, sub objects will not be rendered (if you want to achieve the effect of cutting, please use srollRect), reasonable use can improve the rendering performance. For example, a map block made up of small pictures will not render the small picture outside viewport

    The difference between srollRect and viewport: 1. srollRect comes with clipping effects, and viewport only affects render of child objects, rendering without clipping (higher performance).

    Inherited From:
    Default Value:
    • null

    visible :Boolean

    Indicates whether it is visible and defaults to true. If the setting is not visible, the node will not be rendered.
    Inherited From:

    width :Number


    x :Number

    Represents the horizontal coordinate value of the display object relative to the parent container.
    Inherited From:

    xml :XmlDom

    y :Number

    Represents the vertical coordinate value of the display object relative to the parent container.
    Inherited From:

    zOrder :Number

    Z sorting, changing this value, will reorder all objects in the same container according to the size of the value. The bigger the value, the closer it gets up. The default is 0, and sorted according to the addition order.
    Inherited From:



    Inherited From:

    addChild(node) → {Node}

    Adding child nodes.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    node Node Node object
    Returns the node added

    addChildAt(node, index) → {Node}

    Adds a child node to the specified index location.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    node Node Node object.
    index int Index location.
    Returns the node added.


    Adding child nodes in batches
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Attributes Description
    ...args Rest <repeatable>
    Innumerable child nodes.

    callLater(method, argsopt)

    The specified function is delayed.

    Called before the control is displayed on the screen, which is generally used to delay the calculation of data.

    Inherited From:
    • Tree.html#runCallLater()">#runCallLater()
    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    method function The name of the function to perform. For example, functionName.
    args Array <optional>
    null args Pass to method List of optional arguments for a function.


    Readjust the size of the object.

    Inherited From:

    clearTimer(caller, method)

    Clean timer. Function same as Laya.timer.clearTimer ().
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    caller Object Execute domain (this).
    method function Callback method at the end.


    Immediately execute the call function that affects the wide height of the delay.

    Inherited From:
    • Tree.html#callLater()">#callLater()
    • Tree.html#runCallLater()">#runCallLater()

    contains(node) → {Boolean}

    Does the current container contain the specified? Node Node object.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    node Node Designated Node Node object.
    A Boolean value indicating whether the specified Node node object is included.


    Creates and adds a control child node.


    customRender(context, x, y)

    Custom update, render display objects. It is generally used to extend the rendering mode. Please use it properly. This may cause rendering on the accelerator.

    Be careful Do not add or delete tree nodes in this function, otherwise it will affect the traversal of tree nodes.

    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    context RenderContext Rendering context references.
    x Number X axis coordinate.
    y Number Y axis coordinate.


    Destroy this object. The destroy object defaults to removing itself from the parent node and cleaning its reference relationship and waiting for the JS automatic garbage recovery mechanism to be recycled. No more can be used after destroy.

    Destroy removes its own event listening, its own timer listening, removing the child object and removing itself from the parent node.

    Name Type Description
    destroyChild Boolean (optional) destroy the child node at the same time. If the value is true, the child node is destroyed, otherwise the child node is not destroyed.


    Destroy all child objects without destroying themselves.
    Inherited From:

    drawToCanvas(canvasWidth, canvasHeight, x, y) → {HTMLCanvas}

    Draw current Sprite reach Canvas Go ahead and return a HtmlCanvas.

    The result of the drawing can be used as a picture source to be drawn into another Sprite:

    var htmlCanvas:HTMLCanvas = sprite.drawToCanvas(100, 100, 0, 0);// Draw sprites to canvas var texture:Texture = new Texture(htmlCanvas);// Using htmlCanvas to create Texture var sp:Sprite = new Sprite().pos(0, 200);// Create sprite and bring it down to the 200 position sp.graphics.drawImage(texture);// Draw screenshots to sprites Laya.stage.addChild(sp);// Show the sprite to the stage

    You can also get the original picture data and share it on the Internet, so as to achieve the screenshot effect:

    var htmlCanvas:HTMLCanvas = sprite.drawToCanvas(100, 100, 0, 0);// Draw sprites to canvas var canvas:* = htmlCanvas.getCanvas();// Gets the native canvas object trace(canvas.toDataURL("image/png"));// Print picture Base64 information, which can be sent to the server or saved as pictures
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    canvasWidth Number Canvas width.
    canvasHeight Number Canvas height.
    x Number Plotted X axis offset.
    y Number Plotted Y axis offset.
    HTMLCanvas object.

    event(type, dataopt) → {Boolean}

    Dispatch events.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    type String Event type.
    data Object <optional>
    null data (optional) callback data. Be careful: If you need to pass multiple parameters, P1, P2, P3, you can use the array structure, such as: [p1,p2,p3,...] If you need to call a single parameter P, and P is an array, you need to use a structure such as: [p] Other single parameters, P, can be passed directly to the parameter P.
    Is there a listener for this event type? If there is a listener, the value is true, otherwise the value is false.


    Update the list of items, display data items specifying the key.
    Name Type Description
    key String Key.

    frameLoop(delay, caller, method, argsopt, coverBefore)

    Executes a function repeatedly (based on frame rate). Function same as Laya.timer.frameLoop ().
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    delay int How many frames (frames per frame) are spaced?.
    caller Object Execute domain (this).
    method function Callback method at the end.
    args Array <optional>
    null args Optional callback parameters.
    coverBefore Boolean (optional) whether the delay is covered before default is true.

    frameOnce(delay, caller, method, argsopt, coverBefore)

    Perform a function at a certain time (based on frame rate). Function same as Laya.timer.frameOnce ().
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    delay int Delays several frames (frames per unit).
    caller Object Execute domain (this)
    method function Callback method at the end
    args Array <optional>
    null args Optional callback parameters
    coverBefore Boolean (optional) whether the delay is covered before default is true


    Refresh item list.

    fromImage(url) → {Sprite}

    Create a new one based on the image address Sprite Object is used to load and display this picture.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    url String Picture address.
    Returns the new Sprite object.

    fromParentPoint(point) → {Point}

    Converts the parent container coordinate to the local coordinate system.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    point Point Parent container coordinate point.
    Converted point.

    getBounds() → {Rectangle}

    Gets the rectangular display area of the object in the parent container coordinate system.

    Be careful: The amount of calculation is large, as little as possible.

    Inherited From:
    Rectangular region.

    getChildAt(index) → {Node}

    Gets the child node object based on the index position of the child node.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    index int Index location
    Child node

    getChildByName(name) → {Node}

    Gets the child node object based on the name of the child node.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    name String Child node name.
    Node object.

    getChildIndex(node) → {int}

    Gets the index position of the child node based on the child node object.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    node Node Child node.
    The index position at which the child node is located.

    getGraphicBounds(realSize) → {Rectangle}

    Returns the drawing object in this instance Graphics A display area that does not include child objects.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    realSize Boolean (optional) use the true size of the picture, and defaults to false
    A Rectangle object that represents the captured display area.


    Gets the mouse coordinate information relative to this object.
    Inherited From:

    getSelfBounds() → {Rectangle}

    Gets the rectangular display area of the object in its own coordinate system.

    Be careful: The amount of calculation is large, as little as possible.

    Inherited From:
    Rectangular region.

    globalToLocal(point, createNewPoint) → {Point}

    Converts the global coordinates of stage to local coordinates.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    point Point Global coordinate point.
    createNewPoint Boolean (optional) whether to create a new Point object as the return value, defaults to false, returns the object creation cost using the input point object.
    The point at which the coordinates are converted.

    hasListener(type) → {Boolean}

    inspect EventDispatcher Object registers any listeners for a particular event type.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    type String Event type.
    If the specified type of listener has been registered, the value is true; otherwise, the value is false.

    hitTestPoint(x, y) → {Boolean}

    Detects if a point is within this object.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    x Number Global x coordinates.
    y Number Global y coordinates.
    Indicates whether it is within an object.


    Control initialization.

    Inherited From:

    isMouseEvent(type) → {Boolean}

    Detects whether the specified event type is a mouse event.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    type String Event type.
    If it is a mouse event, the value is true; otherwise, the value is false.

    loadImage(url, xopt, yopt, widthopt, heightopt, completeopt) → {Sprite}

    Load and display a picture. The function is equivalent to the graphics.loadImage method. Support asynchronous loading.

    Note: many calls to loadImage draw different pictures, which will be displayed simultaneously.

    Inherited From:
    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    url String Picture address.
    x Number <optional>
    0 x (optional) displays the x position of the picture.
    y Number <optional>
    0 y (optional) displays the Y position of the picture.
    width Number <optional>
    0 width (optional) display the width of the picture, set to 0, which indicates the default width of the picture.
    height Number <optional>
    0 height (optional) display the height of the picture, set to 0, which indicates the default height to use the picture.
    complete Handler <optional>
    null complete (optional) the load completes the callback.
    Returns the sprite object itself.

    localToGlobal(point, createNewPoint) → {Point}

    Converts local coordinates to global coordinates relative to stage.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    point Point Local coordinate point.
    createNewPoint Boolean (optional) whether to create a new Point object as the return value, defaults to false, returns the object creation cost using the input point object.
    The point at which the coordinates are converted.

    off(type, caller, listener, onceOnly) → {EventDispatcher}

    from EventDispatcher Delete listeners in object.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    type String Event type.
    caller Object The domain of the event listener function.
    listener function Event listener function.
    onceOnly Boolean (optional) if the value is true, only the listeners added by the once method are removed.
    this EventDispatcher Object.

    offAll(typeopt) → {EventDispatcher}

    from EventDispatcher Removes all listeners that specify the type of event in the object.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    type String <optional>
    null type (optional) event type. If the value is null, all types of listeners for this object are removed.
    this EventDispatcher Object.

    on(type, caller, listener, argsopt) → {EventDispatcher}

    Adds an event listener to enable listeners to receive event notifications.

    If you listen to mouse events, you automatically set the property of your own and father nodes. The value of mouseEnabled is true (if the parent node is mouseEnabled=false, then stop setting the parent node mouseEnabled attribute).

    Inherited From:
    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    type String Event type.
    caller Object The domain of the event listener function.
    listener function Event listener function.
    args Array <optional>
    null args Optional callback parameters for the event listener function.
    This EventDispatcher object.

    once(type, caller, listener, argsopt) → {EventDispatcher}

    Adds an event listener to enable listeners to receive event notifications that automatically remove listeners after the listener event responds.

    If you listen to mouse events, you automatically set the property of your own and father nodes. The value of mouseEnabled is true (if the parent node is mouseEnabled=false, then stop setting the parent node mouseEnabled attribute).

    Inherited From:
    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    type String Event type.
    caller Object The domain of the event listener function.
    listener function Event listener function.
    args Array <optional>
    null args Optional callback parameters for the event listener function.
    This EventDispatcher object.


    Parent container Event.RESIZE Event listener processing function.
    Inherited From:


    CacheAs sets the cache invalidation for all parent objects.
    Inherited From:

    pivot(x, y) → {Sprite}

    Set pivot point. Equivalent to setting the pivotX and pivotY attributes, respectively.

    Because the return value is the Sprite object itself, you can use the following syntax: spr.pivot (...).Pos (50, 100);

    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    x Number X axis point.
    y Number Y axis point.
    Returns the object itself.

    pos(x, y, speedMode) → {Sprite}

    Set coordinate position. Equivalent to setting the X and Y attributes, respectively.

    Because the return value is the Sprite object itself, you can use the following syntax: spr.pos (...).Scale (...);

    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    x Number X axis coordinate.
    y Number Y axis coordinate.
    speedMode Boolean (optional) is the speed model, the normal call this.x=value assignment, speed mode calls the internal function directly, if not rewritten x, y property, the proposed set to fast mode, higher performance.
    Returns the object itself.


    Pre initialization.

    Inherited From:


    In the case of setting up cacheAs, calling this method refreshes the cache.
    Inherited From:

    removeChild(node) → {Node}

    Delete child node.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    node Node Child node
    Deleted nodes

    removeChildAt(index) → {Node}

    Deletes the corresponding child node object according to the index location of the child node.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    index int Node index location.
    Deleted nodes.

    removeChildByName(name) → {Node}

    Deletes the corresponding child node object based on the child node name and, if not found, does not throw an exception.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    name String Object name.
    Node found ( Node Objects.

    removeChildren(beginIndexopt, endIndexopt) → {Node}

    Removes all child objects from the specified index interval.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    beginIndex int <optional>
    0 beginIndex Start index.
    endIndex int <optional>
    0x7fffffff endIndex End index.
    Current node object.

    removeSelf() → {Node}

    Remove yourself from the parent container. If you have been deleted, no exception will be thrown.
    Inherited From:
    Current node ( Node Objects.

    render(context, x, y)

    Update, render display objects. Call by system.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    context RenderContext Rendering context references.
    x Number X axis coordinate.
    y Number Y axis coordinate.


    After cacheAs, the settings themselves and the parent object cache fail.
    Inherited From:

    replaceChild(newNode, oldNode) → {Node}

    Replace child node.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    newNode Node New node.
    oldNode Node Old node.
    Return new node.


    Reset object X

    Inherited From:


    Reset object Y

    Inherited From:


    If there is a need, a function that calls is delayed callLater Function setting, and the call function is immediately executed.

    Inherited From:
    • Tree.html#callLater()">#callLater()
    Name Type Description
    method function The name of the function to perform. For example, functionName.

    scale(scaleX, scaleY, speedMode) → {Sprite}

    Set zoom. Equivalent to setting the scaleX and scaleY attributes, respectively.

    Because the return value is the Sprite object itself, you can use the following syntax: spr.scale (...).Pos (50, 100);

    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    scaleX Number X axis scaling.
    scaleY Number Y axis scaling.
    speedMode Boolean (optional) whether the speed mode is called this.scaleX=value, normal assignment, speed mode directly call internal function, if not override the scaleX property of the scaleY, suggests setting for the rapid mode of higher performance.
    Returns the object itself.

    setChildIndex(node, index) → {Node}

    Sets the index position of the child node.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    node Node Child node.
    index int New index.
    Returns the child node itself.

    setItemState(index, isOpen)

    Sets the open state of the item object of the specified index.
    Name Type Description
    index int Item index.
    isOpen Boolean Is it in open state?.


    Set object bounds size, if you have settings, then no longer through the getBounds calculation, reasonable use can improve performance.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    bound Rectangle Bounds rectangular region

    size(width, hegiht) → {Sprite}

    Set width height. Equivalent to setting the width and height attributes, respectively.

    Because the return value is the Sprite object itself, you can use the following syntax: spr.size (...).Pos (50, 100);

    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    width Number Width value.
    hegiht Number Height value.
    Returns the object itself.

    skew(skewX, skewY) → {Sprite}

    Set tilt angle. Equivalent to setting the skewX and skewY attributes, respectively.

    Because the return value is the Sprite object itself, you can use the following syntax: spr.skew (...).Pos (50, 100);

    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    skewX Number Horizontal tilt angle.
    skewY Number Vertical inclination angle.
    Returns the object itself

    startDrag(areaopt, hasInertia, elasticDistanceopt, elasticBackTimeopt, dataopt, disableMouseEvent, ratioopt)

    Drag to start this object.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    area Rectangle <optional>
    null area (optional) drag area, this area is the current object, registration point, active area (excluding the object width, height), optional.
    hasInertia Boolean (optional) after the mouse is released, is it still inertial sliding, default is false, optional.
    elasticDistance Number <optional>
    0 elasticDistance (optional) the distance of the rubber band effect, 0 is the effect without rubber band, and the default is 0.
    elasticBackTime int <optional>
    300 elasticBackTime (optional) the rebound time of the rubber band is in milliseconds, and the default is 300 ms, optional.
    data Object <optional>
    null data (optional) dragging events with optional data.
    disableMouseEvent Boolean (optional) disables mouse detection of other objects, defaults to false, and sets to true to improve performance.
    ratio Number <optional>
    0.92 ratio (optional) inertial damping coefficient, which affects inertia strength and duration.


    Stop dragging this object.
    Inherited From:

    timerLoop(delay, caller, method, argsopt, coverBefore, jumpFrame)

    Execute a function repeatedly at regular intervals. Function same as Laya.timer.timerLoop ().
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    delay int Interval time (ms per unit).
    caller Object Execute domain (this).
    method function Callback method at the end.
    args Array <optional>
    null args Optional callback parameters.
    coverBefore Boolean (optional) whether the delay is covered before default is true.
    jumpFrame Boolean The clock is skipping. Time based callback, in the unit time interval, if you can perform multiple callbacks, for performance reasons, the engine defaults to only once. After setting the jumpFrame=true, the callback is executed several times in succession

    timerOnce(delay, caller, method, argsopt, coverBefore)

    Execute a function at regular intervals. Function same as Laya.timer.timerOnce ().
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Attributes Default Description
    delay int Delay time (in milliseconds).
    caller Object Execute domain (this).
    method function Callback method at the end.
    args Array <optional>
    null args Optional callback parameters.
    coverBefore Boolean (optional) whether the delay is covered before default is true.

    toParentPoint(point) → {Point}

    Converts the local coordinate system to the parent container coordinate system.
    Inherited From:
    Name Type Description
    point Point Local coordinate point.
    Converted point.


    Reordering according to zOrder.
    Inherited From:



    Inherited From:
    • events.Event


    • events.Event


    Inherited From:
    • events.Event


    Inherited From:
    • events.Event


    Inherited From:
    • events.Event


    Inherited From:
    • events.Event


    Inherited From:
    • events.Event


    Inherited From:
    • events.Event


    Inherited From:
    • events.Event


    Inherited From:
    • events.Event


    Inherited From:
    • events.Event


    Inherited From:
    • events.Event


    • events.Event


    Inherited From:
    • events.Event


    Inherited From:
    • events.Event


    Inherited From:
    • events.Event