Core. Browser

new Browser()


(static) canvas :HTMLCanvas

Global canvas instance (non main canvas).

(static) clientHeight :Number

Browser window visual height. Access to information through browser analysis. The browser multiple attribute value priority: window.innerHeight (including scroll height) > document.body.clientHeight (not including the scroll bar height) > document.documentElement.clientHeight (not including the scroll bar height), if the former is 0 or empty, then choose the latter.

(static) clientWidth :Number

Browser window visual width. Access to information through browser analysis. Multiple attribute values for browsers are: window.innerWidth (including scroll bar width) > document.body.clientWidth (excluding scroll bar width), and if the former is 0 or null, then select the latter.

(static) container :Object

A container for holding canvases. Easy to control canvas

(static) context :Context

The environment for drawing on a global canvas (non main canvas).

(static) document :Object

Browser native document object reference.

(static) height :Number

Browser window physical height. The device pixel ratio is considered.

(static) httpProtocol :Boolean

Indicates whether it is a HTTP protocol.

(static) onAndriod :Boolean

Indicates whether it is in the Android device.

(static) onAndroid :Boolean

Indicates whether it is in the Android device.

(static) onIE :Boolean

Indicates whether it is in the IE browser

(static) onIOS :Boolean

Indicates whether it is in the IOS device.

(static) onIPad :Boolean

Indicates whether it is in the iPad device.

(static) onIPhone :Boolean

Indicates whether it is in the iPhone device.

(static) onMobile :Boolean

Indicates whether it is in the mobile device.

(static) onMQQBrowser :Boolean

Indicates whether it is in the mobile terminal, QQ, or QQ browser.

(static) onPC :Boolean

Indicates whether it is on the PC side.

(static) onQQBrowser :Boolean

Indicates whether it is in the QQ browser.

(static) onSafari :Boolean

Indicates whether the Safari is at the mobile terminal.

(static) onWeiXin :Boolean


(static) onWP :Boolean

Indicates whether it is in the Windows Phone device.

(static) pixelRatio :Number

Device pixel ratio.

(static) userAgent :String

Browser proxy information.

(static) width :Number

Browser window physical width. The device pixel ratio is considered.

(static) window :Object

Browser native window object reference.


createElement(type) → {Object}

Creating browser native nodes.
Name Type Description
type String Node type.
A reference to the created node object.

getElementById(type) → {Object}

Returns a reference to the first object with the specified Document in the ID object.
Name Type Description
type String Node ID.
Node object.


Gets the current timestamp of the browser, in milliseconds.


Removes the specified browser native node object.
Name Type Description
type Object Node object.